dit keer in samenwerking met NVTG en EKANN
onderwerp: Vluchteling kinderen
Op dit moment zijn er nog geen aankomende agenda punten toegevoegd.
Voorgaande agenda items
9 november 2024
Helping Babies Breathe training
9 oktober 2024
SAVE THE DATE!!!! jaarcongres EGCH
19 september 2024
Conference on Tropical Medicine and Global Health - Dusseldorf
19-21 sept 2024
organised by
German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Swiss Society of Tropical and Travel Medicine ( SSTTM)
German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Swiss Society of Tropical and Travel Medicine ( SSTTM)
8 juni 2024
Helping Babies Breathe training
22 mei 2024
ALV met 3 presentaties - online. 1 accreditatiepunt
Vergadering-ID: 983 5368 2184
Wachtwoord: 027224
Vergadering-ID: 983 5368 2184
Wachtwoord: 027224
25 april 2024
Symposium Decision-making in CS and the role of GHTM physicians
12 april 2024
GTP congres - Eisenach, Duitsland
22 maart 2024
ETAT 22 en 23 maart
opgeven via etatnederland@gmail.com
9 maart 2024
Helping Babies Breathe training
gecanceld wegens te weinig aanmeldingen....
12 december 2023
Kindergeneeskunde en Klimaatverandering
28 november 2023
Global Child Health onderwijsdag Utrecht
28 November organiseren wij in opleidingsregio Utrecht een AIOS onderwijsdag over Global Child Health. De dag is primair voor AIOS kindergeneeskunde uit regio Utrecht maar ook andere geintreseerden zijn welkom. We zullen accreditatiepunten aanvragen bij het OIGT. De dag zal ook online te volgen zijn voor mensen die vanuit het buitenland willen participeren
20 november 2023
ECTMIH 13th European Congress, Planetary Health
20-23 November 2023
2 november 2023
Tropische Kindergeneeskunde op de 11e historische dag van de NVK
2 juni 2023
12 mei 2023
Main topic: teaching and training
16 maart 2023
ETAT 16,17 maart 2023
20 januari 2023
ETAT 20, 21 januari
REGISTRATION: etatnederland@gmail.com
REGISTRATION: etatnederland@gmail.com
17 december 2022
CANCELED due to not enough participants...
24 november 2022
Decolonising Global Health Symposium - 24 november 2022 - Rode Hoed Amsterdam
23 juli 2022
HBB provider and trainer course in Zoetermeer or The Hague
register via info@expertisegroepglobalchildhealth.nl
27 mei 2022
40th GTP Annual Conference 27-29 may 2022 - Basel
We are looking forward to a meeting with international guest from different country`s in Europe and especially from the Netherlands and to build up relations and networking.
13 mei 2022
13 MEI, Ouwehands Dierenpari, Rhenen
"Planetary health and its effect on children"
Aanmelden kan via bovenstaande link:
Overige vragen: EGCHsymposium2022@gmail.com
Aanmelden kan via bovenstaande link:
Overige vragen: EGCHsymposium2022@gmail.com
12 maart 2022
Helping Babies Breathe course
gecanceld ivm te weinig aanmeldingen.
19 februari 2022
HBB provider and facilitator course
The whole day course in The Hague or Zoetermeer
21 november 2021
17 november 2021
21st Certificate Course in Tropical Paediatrics and Child Health, 17,18,19 nov
zie www.globalchiildhealth.nl
11 november 2021
NVTG Symposium: Climate Changemakers in Health
14 oktober 2021
11th edition of the Annual Maastricht Symposium on Global Health
"Decolonising and Pluriversifying Global Health”
11 oktober 2021
ALV met 2 presentaties,
link is u reeds verzonden per email
30 augustus 2021
31 juli 2021
HBB master training course
3 juli 2021
HBB course 3 July is cancelled
19 juni 2021
HBB course 19th postponed due to shortage of participants .
New date: 3th July
4 juni 2021
22 april 2021
Meeting ID: 981 1131 9716
Passcode: 555318
Meeting ID: 981 1131 9716
Passcode: 555318
17 april 2021
Wees erbij op de 17e door onderstaand formulier in te vullen:
opgeven via
De laatste paar jaren is het aantal migranten wereldwijd sterk toegenomen om verschillende redenen, waaronder geweld, armoede en klimaatverandering. Migranten vormen een erg kwetsbare groep in de samenleving die veel ontberingen doorstaan en tegen discriminerende (rechts)systemen aanlopen in het land van aankomst. Om deze redenen hebben zij een hogere kans op ziekte en sterfte.
Meer informatie staat op de facebook pagina: https://fb.me/e/1gf315RVe?ti=wa or our instagram @medicineonthemove
De laatste paar jaren is het aantal migranten wereldwijd sterk toegenomen om verschillende redenen, waaronder geweld, armoede en klimaatverandering. Migranten vormen een erg kwetsbare groep in de samenleving die veel ontberingen doorstaan en tegen discriminerende (rechts)systemen aanlopen in het land van aankomst. Om deze redenen hebben zij een hogere kans op ziekte en sterfte.
Meer informatie staat op de facebook pagina: https://fb.me/e/1gf315RVe?ti=wa or our instagram @medicineonthemove
16 maart 2021
How can we tackle the global threat of COVID-19 without neglecting the fight against malaria? This Keystone e-Symposium will shed light on how to effectively combat the dual challenges of a malaria-endemic world, along-side new complications posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
6 maart 2021
Dutch Global Health Festival start 6 maart!
Beste leden,
Elke zaterdagavond in maart opent het Dutch Global Health Film Festival virtueel haar deuren met film en discussie!
6 maart - On Our Doorstep
13 maart - A Quiet Inquisition
20 maart - Unseen Enemy
27 maart - Thank You For The Rain
Voor meer informatie en registratie kunt u terecht op onze website: https://www.globalhealthfilmfestival.nl/
On Our Doorstep6 March 2021On Our Doorstep delves deep into an area of the refugee crisis that rarely reached the press. With NGOs blocked by red tape and with the absence of any positive action by French or British authorities, the film is a behind-the-scenes look at the extraordinary grassroots movement that rose up to aid the refugees in Calais, and the community that sprang up there, before it was forcefully demolished.
A Quiet Inquisition13 March 2021At a public hospital in Nicaragua, Dr Carla Cerrato, obstetrician-gynaecologist, struggles with her conscience as she contends with the harrowing implications of a new law that prevents the termination of any pregnancy, even when a woman’s life is at stake. Unseen Enemy20 March 2021Unseen Enemy is an essential exploration of the reasons why we are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks, but have now become full-blown epidemics. This increased risk that we face, and the ways society and individuals can work together to reduce that risk, are demonstrated through the case studies of three epidemics: Ebola, influenza and Zika.
Thank You For The Rain27 March 2021Since 2012, Kisilu, a smallholder farmer in Kenya has used his camera to capture the life of his family, his village and the impacts of climate change. He has filmed floods, droughts and storms but also the more human costs - his kids are sent home from school when he can’t pay the fees; men are moving to towns in search for jobs; and family tensions rise.
Elke zaterdagavond in maart opent het Dutch Global Health Film Festival virtueel haar deuren met film en discussie!
6 maart - On Our Doorstep
13 maart - A Quiet Inquisition
20 maart - Unseen Enemy
27 maart - Thank You For The Rain
Voor meer informatie en registratie kunt u terecht op onze website: https://www.globalhealthfilmfestival.nl/
On Our Doorstep6 March 2021On Our Doorstep delves deep into an area of the refugee crisis that rarely reached the press. With NGOs blocked by red tape and with the absence of any positive action by French or British authorities, the film is a behind-the-scenes look at the extraordinary grassroots movement that rose up to aid the refugees in Calais, and the community that sprang up there, before it was forcefully demolished.
A Quiet Inquisition13 March 2021At a public hospital in Nicaragua, Dr Carla Cerrato, obstetrician-gynaecologist, struggles with her conscience as she contends with the harrowing implications of a new law that prevents the termination of any pregnancy, even when a woman’s life is at stake. Unseen Enemy20 March 2021Unseen Enemy is an essential exploration of the reasons why we are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks, but have now become full-blown epidemics. This increased risk that we face, and the ways society and individuals can work together to reduce that risk, are demonstrated through the case studies of three epidemics: Ebola, influenza and Zika.
Thank You For The Rain27 March 2021Since 2012, Kisilu, a smallholder farmer in Kenya has used his camera to capture the life of his family, his village and the impacts of climate change. He has filmed floods, droughts and storms but also the more human costs - his kids are sent home from school when he can’t pay the fees; men are moving to towns in search for jobs; and family tensions rise.
28 januari 2021
A conference for global health researchers, students and organizations to come together and explore the impacts of COVID-19 on child health.
A conference for global health researchers, students and organizations to come together and explore the impacts of COVID-19 on child health.
21 januari 2021
Cursus "Cultuur Competente Zorg voor Kinderartsen"
Het is een cursus gericht op het ontwikkelen van culturele competenties voor kinderartsen. Tijdens deze cursusdag zal er speciaal worden ingezoomd op de dagelijkse praktijk van kinderartsen waarbij de communicatie met ouders, kinderen en het cultuursensitief werken centraal staan
14 januari 2021
Refereeravond/Webinar door WKZ
"zorgeloos zonder papieren - het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg"
18.00h - 21.00h
kosten: 10,00
geaccrediteerd bij NVK, NVTG, AbSg, aangevraagd voor AIGT.
inschrijven: onderwijskg1-2@umcutrecht.nl met als onderwerp: Inschrijving refereeravond 'Zorgeloos zonder papieren. Het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg
"zorgeloos zonder papieren - het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg"
18.00h - 21.00h
kosten: 10,00
geaccrediteerd bij NVK, NVTG, AbSg, aangevraagd voor AIGT.
inschrijven: onderwijskg1-2@umcutrecht.nl met als onderwerp: Inschrijving refereeravond 'Zorgeloos zonder papieren. Het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg
7 januari 2021
2 daagse ETAT training Amsterdam
1 januari 2021
Verschoben! – TropPaed 2021 – 12.
Intensivkurs Tropenpädiatrie und Globale Kindergesundheit Auf Grund der aktuellen Pandemie entfällt der TropPaed Kurs im Januar 2021. Der nächste Kurs ist für Januar 2022 geplant.
19 december 2020
HBB facilitator training
full and cancelled because of CORONA measures
18 december 2020
EmMalawi Symposium, 14:00h - 16:00h
A motivating, exciting, informative and stimulating symposium!
Organized by Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Malawi and Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam UMC.
Leaflet with program information and/or registration: n.meels@aighd.nl
Organized by Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Malawi and Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam UMC.
Leaflet with program information and/or registration: n.meels@aighd.nl
17 december 2020
3 PhD's ceremonies on Global Maternal Health
Natasha Housseine, Tanzania
Lachmi Kodan, Paramaribo, Suriname
Kim Verschueren, Paramaribo, Suriname
Lachmi Kodan, Paramaribo, Suriname
Kim Verschueren, Paramaribo, Suriname
16 december 2020
Julius Global Health welcomes you to the coming online symposium,
" NWA-Matchmaking event: Co-creation of interventions in maternal and newborn health"
12 december 2020
HBB2 facilitator training
fully booked
17 november 2020
LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture Series
Complications from preterm births are a leading cause of under-5 death worldwide. Health service disruptions as a result of the COVID19 pandemic may have further devastating impacts. Join us for a special event on World Prematurity Day to learn about the direct and indirect effects of the COVID19 pandemic on preterm births and newborn care, and what we can do to protect the progress.[/table][table]Preterm Births in a COVID-19 world: Science, Systems and Social Impact
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
16:30 - 18:00 CET
Speakers: Prof Joy Lawn, Professor of Maternal Reproductive and Child Health Epidemiology and Director of MARCH Centre at LSHTM, Dr Suman Rao, Professor of Neonatology, St. Johns' Medical College, India, Dr Queen Dube, Head of Pediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi and Silke Mader, Chairwoman of the Executive Board and Co-Founder of EFCNI and GLANCE.
Dr Anshu Banerjee, WHO Director of Department of Maternal, New Born, Child and Adolescent Health and Aging, will open the event and will share insights into the policy context for maternal and child health in the current climate.
Helga Fogstad, Executive Director of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH), and Dr Luwei Pearson, Principal Advisor and Deputy Director of Health Programme, UNICEF HQ, will provide reflections on the commitments needed to address gaps identified.
Visit the LSHTM event website for further details of the event.
The event is open to all, no registration is required. By attending, you accept the LSHTM Privacy Notice and the Charité Privacy Notice as well as Terms and Conditions.
Complications from preterm births are a leading cause of under-5 death worldwide. Health service disruptions as a result of the COVID19 pandemic may have further devastating impacts. Join us for a special event on World Prematurity Day to learn about the direct and indirect effects of the COVID19 pandemic on preterm births and newborn care, and what we can do to protect the progress.[/table][table]Preterm Births in a COVID-19 world: Science, Systems and Social Impact
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
16:30 - 18:00 CET
Speakers: Prof Joy Lawn, Professor of Maternal Reproductive and Child Health Epidemiology and Director of MARCH Centre at LSHTM, Dr Suman Rao, Professor of Neonatology, St. Johns' Medical College, India, Dr Queen Dube, Head of Pediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi and Silke Mader, Chairwoman of the Executive Board and Co-Founder of EFCNI and GLANCE.
Dr Anshu Banerjee, WHO Director of Department of Maternal, New Born, Child and Adolescent Health and Aging, will open the event and will share insights into the policy context for maternal and child health in the current climate.
Helga Fogstad, Executive Director of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH), and Dr Luwei Pearson, Principal Advisor and Deputy Director of Health Programme, UNICEF HQ, will provide reflections on the commitments needed to address gaps identified.
Visit the LSHTM event website for further details of the event.
The event is open to all, no registration is required. By attending, you accept the LSHTM Privacy Notice and the Charité Privacy Notice as well as Terms and Conditions.
16 november 2020
Van 20.00h tot 21.45h 6 presentaties van 10 minuten over diverse onderwerpen.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 3465 4163
Passcode: 917080
Opgeven via contactformulier (zie onder WELKOM) van deze website onder vermelding van naam en BIG nummer
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 3465 4163
Passcode: 917080
Opgeven via contactformulier (zie onder WELKOM) van deze website onder vermelding van naam en BIG nummer
16 november 2020
Van 20.00h tot 21.30h zijn 6 presentaties van 10 minuten geprogrammeerd.
25 augustus 2020
AAP WEBINAR: Global Health Practice in the time of COVID- Promoting Early Childhood Development Globally in the time of COVID-19
UPDATE: Please use the password 1234 when registering for this webinar event.
Dear Friends of Helping Babies Survive, Please join us for our next installment of the AAP’s webinar series, Global Health Practice in the time of COVID: Finding Effectiveness in Your Personal & Professional World, on Wednesday, August 25th.
Promoting Early Childhood Development Globally in the Time of COVID-19Tuesday, August 25, 2020 (12:00pm ET|1600 UTC)
This webinar, with experts from the Sesame Workshop, LEGO Foundation, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ummeed Child Development Center, and AAP, will address the impact of COVID on early childhood development (ECD) programs and provide tangible ways to promote ECD during the pandemic.
Sponsored by the AAP, the AAP Section on Global Health, Ummeed Child Development Center, and Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Jill Popp, PhDSenior Researcher, LEGO Foundation
Roopa Srinivasan, MBBS, DNBDirector, Developmental Pediatrics & Head, Clinical Services, Ummeed Child Development Center
Deborah M. Rodríguez García, MSEducation Manager, Humanitarian Programs, Sesame Workshop
Lisa Bohmer, MPHSenior Program Officer, International Programs, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Moderator:V. Fan Tait, MD, FAAPChief Medical Officer, American Academy of Pediatrics
Please use the password 1234 to register for this webinar event.
Dear Friends of Helping Babies Survive, Please join us for our next installment of the AAP’s webinar series, Global Health Practice in the time of COVID: Finding Effectiveness in Your Personal & Professional World, on Wednesday, August 25th.
Promoting Early Childhood Development Globally in the Time of COVID-19Tuesday, August 25, 2020 (12:00pm ET|1600 UTC)
This webinar, with experts from the Sesame Workshop, LEGO Foundation, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ummeed Child Development Center, and AAP, will address the impact of COVID on early childhood development (ECD) programs and provide tangible ways to promote ECD during the pandemic.
Sponsored by the AAP, the AAP Section on Global Health, Ummeed Child Development Center, and Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Jill Popp, PhDSenior Researcher, LEGO Foundation
Roopa Srinivasan, MBBS, DNBDirector, Developmental Pediatrics & Head, Clinical Services, Ummeed Child Development Center
Deborah M. Rodríguez García, MSEducation Manager, Humanitarian Programs, Sesame Workshop
Lisa Bohmer, MPHSenior Program Officer, International Programs, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Moderator:V. Fan Tait, MD, FAAPChief Medical Officer, American Academy of Pediatrics
Please use the password 1234 to register for this webinar event.
22 juni 2020
virtuele ledenvergadering EGCH , 20.00h
save the date,
agenda volgt, inlogcodes volgen.
agenda volgt, inlogcodes volgen.
7 juni 2020
20 april 2020
Refereeravond SAVE THE DATE
20 APRIL 2020
Zorgeloos zonder papieren
Het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg
Op maandag 20 april 2020 organiseert het WKZ een thema-avond voor professionals die betrokken zijn bij de zorg voor kinderen zonder geldige verblijfsvergunning. In Nederland wonen veel kinderen zonder papieren. Deze kinderen zijn uiterst kwetsbaar. Door hun herkomst en geschiedenis hebben ze vaak lichamelijke en psychosociale problemen. Om deze problemen aan te pakken, hebben zij goede zorg nodig. Maar de toegang tot zorg is niet altijd eenvoudig of vanzelfsprekend voor kinderen zonder papieren. En eenmaal onder behandeling blijken de coördinatie en continuïteit van zorg vaak onvoldoende gewaarborgd. Dit willen wij graag veranderen, omdat ieder kind het recht heeft om zo gezond mogelijk op te groeien en zich te ontwikkelen.
Tijd 17.00 - 22.00 uur
Locatie Gele collegezaal, UMCU
20 APRIL 2020
Zorgeloos zonder papieren
Het ongedocumenteerde kind in de zorg
Op maandag 20 april 2020 organiseert het WKZ een thema-avond voor professionals die betrokken zijn bij de zorg voor kinderen zonder geldige verblijfsvergunning. In Nederland wonen veel kinderen zonder papieren. Deze kinderen zijn uiterst kwetsbaar. Door hun herkomst en geschiedenis hebben ze vaak lichamelijke en psychosociale problemen. Om deze problemen aan te pakken, hebben zij goede zorg nodig. Maar de toegang tot zorg is niet altijd eenvoudig of vanzelfsprekend voor kinderen zonder papieren. En eenmaal onder behandeling blijken de coördinatie en continuïteit van zorg vaak onvoldoende gewaarborgd. Dit willen wij graag veranderen, omdat ieder kind het recht heeft om zo gezond mogelijk op te groeien en zich te ontwikkelen.
Tijd 17.00 - 22.00 uur
Locatie Gele collegezaal, UMCU
20 april 2020
ONLINE course mother/child health
"Improving the health of women, children, and adolescents: evidence to action".
This massive Open Online Course facilitated by the MARCH Centre at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has previously had >26,000 participants from >130 countries. The focus is how to accelerate progress towards the relevant SDGs to address the ongoing annual toll of around 10 million stillbirths, and newborn, child, adolescent, maternal deaths. Leading experts from all over the world use multi-media approaches to share the latest data, progress to SDGs, evidence, debates and research gaps. Each week also has more detailed references so is suitable for a range of learners, whether the topic is new to you or you are already deeply engaged.
The content is designed for mobile phone platforms and the second round is open now, starting 9th March 2019 for 6 weeks. Participants can join at any time in the 6 weeks, but you will gain most if you participate throughout by joining 1000s of other learners from all over the world posting comments to each other on the topics each week. For each week's topic there are expert mentors. We know that some groups or team choose do the course together and also meet face-to-face to discuss.
Six flexible modules cover health throughout the lifecycle including:
1. adolescence,
2. reproductive (starting 11th Nov timed to coincide with ICPD25 in Nairobi)
3. maternal,
4. newborns and stillbirths,
5. children, and
6. putting it all together, including cross cutting issues such as climate change and humanitarian crisis.
Free, open-access online learning like this fits with the mission of ISA to democratise the latest health information, and accelerate evidence-based action for families all over the world.
This massive Open Online Course facilitated by the MARCH Centre at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has previously had >26,000 participants from >130 countries. The focus is how to accelerate progress towards the relevant SDGs to address the ongoing annual toll of around 10 million stillbirths, and newborn, child, adolescent, maternal deaths. Leading experts from all over the world use multi-media approaches to share the latest data, progress to SDGs, evidence, debates and research gaps. Each week also has more detailed references so is suitable for a range of learners, whether the topic is new to you or you are already deeply engaged.
The content is designed for mobile phone platforms and the second round is open now, starting 9th March 2019 for 6 weeks. Participants can join at any time in the 6 weeks, but you will gain most if you participate throughout by joining 1000s of other learners from all over the world posting comments to each other on the topics each week. For each week's topic there are expert mentors. We know that some groups or team choose do the course together and also meet face-to-face to discuss.
Six flexible modules cover health throughout the lifecycle including:
1. adolescence,
2. reproductive (starting 11th Nov timed to coincide with ICPD25 in Nairobi)
3. maternal,
4. newborns and stillbirths,
5. children, and
6. putting it all together, including cross cutting issues such as climate change and humanitarian crisis.
Free, open-access online learning like this fits with the mission of ISA to democratise the latest health information, and accelerate evidence-based action for families all over the world.
18 april 2020
update symposium 2020 humanitaire Hulp en ontwikkelingssamenwerking
UPDATE SYMPOSIUM 2020Humanitäre Hilfe & Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
mit dem Markt der Möglichkeiten
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
zu unserem Update Symposium am 18. April 2020 möchten wir Sie herzlich nach München einladen. Wir wollen wieder über die neusten Trends und Erkenntnisse in der humanitären Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit berichten. Während der Pausen haben Sie zudem die Gelegenheit, sich bei Hilfsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften über Möglichkeiten der Mitarbeit und des Engagement zu informieren.
Mehr Infos finden Sie hier.
Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Tag
foring - Team
mit dem Markt der Möglichkeiten
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
zu unserem Update Symposium am 18. April 2020 möchten wir Sie herzlich nach München einladen. Wir wollen wieder über die neusten Trends und Erkenntnisse in der humanitären Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit berichten. Während der Pausen haben Sie zudem die Gelegenheit, sich bei Hilfsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften über Möglichkeiten der Mitarbeit und des Engagement zu informieren.
Mehr Infos finden Sie hier.
Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Tag
foring - Team
7 april 2020
20th Certificate Course in Tropical Paediatrics and Child Health
7,8,9 April 2020, AMC
23 maart 2020
gratis online course COVID-19
Gratis Online Course COVID-19
Jetzt anmelden. Start ist Montag, der 23.3.2020
Die London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (LSTMH) hat auf der online-Lernplatform "Futurelearn" einen gratis-Onlinekurs über COVID-19 zur Vefügung gestellt:
Jetzt anmelden. Start ist Montag, der 23.3.2020
Die London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (LSTMH) hat auf der online-Lernplatform "Futurelearn" einen gratis-Onlinekurs über COVID-19 zur Vefügung gestellt:
- Dauer: 3 Wochen
- Zeitaufwand: 4h pro Woche
- Kostenpunkt: gratis
28 februari 2020
ETAT course, Amsterdam 28+29/2 and 18+19/6
info: HDekker@rijnstate.nl
28 februari 2020
27 februari 2020
Helping Babies Breathe Mastertraining Course ,Londen, 27+28 feb
17 februari 2020
ETAT+ , London; 17-19 feb
28 januari 2020
Geachte dames en heren, Graag nodigen we u wederom uit voor de volgende refereeravond Kindergeneeskundeop dinsdag 28 januari 2020, onderdeel van de ‘Cornelia de Lange Cyclus’,nascholing voor kinderartsen. Het programma kunt u ook vinden in de bijlage. U dient zich o.a. in verband met de bestelling van de catering via ekzevents@amc.uva.nl ( s.v.p. met vermelding van uw BIG nummer) aan te melden.
24 januari 2020
GTP annual conference, Berlin
see www.globalchildhealth.de
38th GTP annual conference – Gender aspects of Global Child HealthREGISTER NOW!
Abstract-Deadline: 10.11.19 // Early bird: 30.11.19
24th-26th January 2020 at the UFA Fabrik Berlin
Conference theme: „Gender Aspects of Global Child Health“Organizor: Paediatric department "Josephinchen" of the St. Joseph Hospital
38th GTP annual conference – Gender aspects of Global Child HealthREGISTER NOW!
Abstract-Deadline: 10.11.19 // Early bird: 30.11.19
24th-26th January 2020 at the UFA Fabrik Berlin
Conference theme: „Gender Aspects of Global Child Health“Organizor: Paediatric department "Josephinchen" of the St. Joseph Hospital
1 oktober 2019
Dear colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to inform you about an 16TH ANNUAL COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATION OF PAEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY & NUTRITION SCIENTIFIC MEETING that will take place at Sickkids October 1-3 2019.
This meeting will bring together world leading clinicians and scientists as well as policy makers and funding organizations from around the world to share their expertise and work on pediatric gastrointestinal, hepatic and nutritional disorders. The CAPGAN meeting is considered THE primary meeting on diarrheal diseases and malnutrition, but also highlights progress in other fields of pediatric gastroenterology and liver disease.
I strongly encourage fellows and students to submit abstracts of their new and exciting scientific work to this meeting. Looking forward to seeing you at CAPGAN 2019.
Kind regards, Robert Bandsma MD, PhD
Staff Gastroenterologist, NutritionistDivision of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and NutritionThe Hospital for Sick ChildrenAssistant Professor, Depts of Paediatrics and Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto555 University AvenueToronto, Ontario, CanadaM5G 1X8Phone: 416-813-7654 ext. 309057Fax: 416-813-4972
It is my great pleasure to inform you about an 16TH ANNUAL COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATION OF PAEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY & NUTRITION SCIENTIFIC MEETING that will take place at Sickkids October 1-3 2019.
This meeting will bring together world leading clinicians and scientists as well as policy makers and funding organizations from around the world to share their expertise and work on pediatric gastrointestinal, hepatic and nutritional disorders. The CAPGAN meeting is considered THE primary meeting on diarrheal diseases and malnutrition, but also highlights progress in other fields of pediatric gastroenterology and liver disease.
I strongly encourage fellows and students to submit abstracts of their new and exciting scientific work to this meeting. Looking forward to seeing you at CAPGAN 2019.
Kind regards, Robert Bandsma MD, PhD
Staff Gastroenterologist, NutritionistDivision of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and NutritionThe Hospital for Sick ChildrenAssistant Professor, Depts of Paediatrics and Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto555 University AvenueToronto, Ontario, CanadaM5G 1X8Phone: 416-813-7654 ext. 309057Fax: 416-813-4972
16 september 2019
ECTMIH Liverpool
29 juli 2019
CPD Accredited 8th International Conference on Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases & Public Health,
8 juli 2019
Aankomende zomer organiseren het UMC Utrecht en AMC gezamenlijk een summerschool over Global Child Health. Deze summerschool is bedoeld voor masterstudenten (Medical, Child health, Global health and Biomedical sciences), artsen en onderzoekers met een belangstelling voor perinatale en kind gezondheid in een globale context. De cursus biedt een uitgebreid en begrijpelijk overzicht van de perinatale en kind gezondheid in een mondiaal perspectief. De cursus duurt één week (08-07-2019 - 12-07-2019) en wordt gehouden in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht. Voor meer informatie: https://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/life-sciences/child_health_a_global_perspective.
18 juni 2019
Global Health Security Congres-Sydney
17 juni 2019
Congress on Tropical Medicine, Parijs
12 juni 2019
Challenges and Realistic Solutions to Migrant Health Burden in Europe - Amsterdam
APH-Global Health Symposium Challenges and Realistic Solutions to Migrant Health Burden in Europe
13 april 2019
23 maart 2019
HBB 2nd edition Master Training Workshop, Zoetermeer.
Registration is closed.
20 februari 2019
Mass Drug Administration and Antimicrobial Resistance Symposium , Liverpool
28 januari 2019
tropical medicine and infectious diseases, Barcelona
28 januari 2019
10th intensive course in tropical pediatrics and global health, Germany
TropPaed 2019 – 10th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health28th Jan - 1st Feb 2019 at Schloß Rauischholzhausen, the conference center of the University of Gießen in Germany. Once again we will provide you with a diverse course schedule containing lectures, practical workshops and clinical seminar. Furthermore there will be enough time for professional international exchange of plans and experiences.
25 januari 2019
25-27 januari 2019 Annual Conference - Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit
25 januari 2019
12 december 2018
Global Child Health, UMC Utrecht
Maandelijks vindt de Global Health & Tropical Medicine Course in het UMC Utrecht plaats. Elke keer staat een belangrijk thema in mondiale gezondheid centraal.
Maandelijks vindt de Global Health & Tropical Medicine Course in het UMC Utrecht plaats. Elke keer staat een belangrijk thema in mondiale gezondheid centraal.Deze cursus wordt hoofdzakelijk georganiseerd voor geneeskunde studenten, maar ook andere studenten en geïnteresseerden zijn van harte welkom om deel te nemen aan individuele avonden of de volledige cursus.
De GH&TM cursus wordt georganiseerd door Julius Global Health (www.globalhealth.eu), in samenwerking met het International Office van het UMC Utrecht en IFMSA-Utrecht.
Meer informatie en updates over deze cursus is te vinden op de website van Julius Global Health (www.globalhealth.eu), en de Facebook page van het International Office (https://www.facebook.com/UMCUInternationalOffice).
12 December 2018 Topic to be announced
9 January 2019 Topic to be announced
13 February 2019 Topic to be announced
13 March 2019 Topic to be announced
De GH&TM cursus wordt georganiseerd door Julius Global Health (www.globalhealth.eu), in samenwerking met het International Office van het UMC Utrecht en IFMSA-Utrecht.
Meer informatie en updates over deze cursus is te vinden op de website van Julius Global Health (www.globalhealth.eu), en de Facebook page van het International Office (https://www.facebook.com/UMCUInternationalOffice).
12 December 2018 Topic to be announced
9 January 2019 Topic to be announced
13 February 2019 Topic to be announced
13 March 2019 Topic to be announced
11 december 2018
najaarsbijeenkomst 11 december gecancelled.
9 november 2018
NVTG congres, de Rode Hoed Amsterdam
28 oktober 2018
ASTMH 67th Annual Meeting October 28 - November 1, 2018 Sheraton New Orleans and New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana USA
1 oktober 2018
International Conference on Migration Health, Rome, Italy1-3 Oktober International Conference on Migration Health, Rome, Italy
30 juni 2018
SICH organizes Helping Babies Breathe course
9 juni 2018
SICH organizes Helping Babies Breathe course
18 mei 2018
18 april 2018
Humanitair Symposium Munchen
8 maart 2018
jaarcongres SICH,
8 februari 2018
lustrum congres NVK in Arnhem
een middag over vluchtelingkinderen, accreditatie wordt aangevraagd
2 februari 2018
2-4 feb 2018 Jahrestagung GTP: Children at High Risk
11 januari 2018
17 oktober 2017
The challenge of child refugee health, a one day conference in London
27 april 2017
Center for international health
Update 2017, humanitäre Hilfe & Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, München
9 maart 2017